sábado, 16 de febrero de 2013

The Aegean Sea setting includes a mass of shipwrecked vessels; undead soldiers, harpies, and the Hydra are attacking the remaining soldiers. Athens is a war-torn city under assault by Ares, the God of War; its soldiers are being overrun by Ares' army of minotaurs, Medusa and her Gorgons , cyclopes, and undead legionnaires. Beyond the city is the Desert of Lost Souls, a vast and windy desert full of ancient ruins. Three sirens  roam the desert; killing them releases their souls, which guide warriors through the desert so that they may summon the Titan Cronos and gain access to Pandora's Temple, which is chained to his back. The massive temple, constructed by the architect Pathos Verdes lll, is full of deadly traps and enemies, including all those previously encountered, as well as wraiths, satyrs, centaurs, cerberuses, and a giant minotaur known as Pandora's Guardian. The temple houses areas dedicated to the Titan Atlas  and the gods Poseidon and Hades. The Underworld is a fiery realm with spiked pillars full of souls and versions of previously encountered enemies, covered in flames. The brief scene on Mount Olympus shows the golden palace of the gods and the God of War's throne room.

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